Friday, October 23, 2009


Most people know that exposure to UV radiation can cause sun damage to the skin, including sunburn, photoaging, and increased risk of skin cancer. But did you know this damage also occurs when you walk from your house to your car or sit next to a window during the day? Even those little bits of exposure add up over the years and can cause wrinkles, dark spots and skin cancer
Sunscreen Decisions
There are several factors to consider when picking out a sunscreen:
How sunscreens work
Everyday sunscreen vs out-in-the-sun sunscreen
Using a sunscreen alone vs sunscreen plus moisturizer
Understanding the UV-index
How to be safe in the sun
Sunscreen Bottom Line
You've worked hard to take care of your skin by cleansing and moisturizing it. Don't undo all those benefits by exposing it to UV radiation. Find a good broad-spectrum sunscreen and make its application a part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth and bathing
Skin Care Tips For Your 30's
When you've reached your 30's, chances are good you've tried your fair share of products in hopes of having perfect skin. Maybe some of them worked for you, of course, some didn't. Then again, maybe you're only now just beginning to think about what the future holds in regards to your skin and you're trying to do all you can now to repair the lack of effort in your past
No matter the reason, today is as good as any day to start taking great care of your skin. And great care starts by knowing what skin type you fall in. Skin types vary by person, and can even vary depending on the seasons or even hormonal change. Once you see what skin type you are today, don't assume it will forever be your skin type. By giving your skin proper attention, you'll be able to see if you're starting to notice your skin getting drier or oilier as time goes on.
Daily Skin Care Basics
Now that you know your skin type, it's time to talk about what yous should be doing each day to properly take care of your skin. Create a skin care regime and make sure you do each step twice a day. I recommend a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. If you have oily or combination skin, stick with a gel based or foaming cleanser. Those of you with normal or dry skin will do best with a cream based cleanser. Toners are optional, but my personal results tell me that it works best for me. You can decide how you feel about toners and go from there.

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